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Autographes et lettres reçus de John Hurt
(page 22 sur 23):
john hurt success x2 !! - 25 août 2012
john hurt(merlin/harry potter)i sent him a lor/ssae & 2 photos on 4/7/12 and today i got them back signed and one personalised <img src= address i used Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS i posted photos & envelope on my facebook page; -
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John Hurt (HP, Merlin, V For Vendetta) success! - 24 août 2012
Hello! I finally got an answer from Mr. John Hurt! (This was my second try.) I am thrilled because he is a legend and this basically sums up my Merlin cast (the main people)! I sent LOR, 2 photos, IRC on April 23, 2012 I recieved my photos back today, both signed, one personalized (although the way he wrote my name it looks like it is misspelled, but I dont think it is) along with a little message. It reads "For Desiree, All my best wishes, John Hurt" Address used: John Hurt Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK [uk<!-- s[uk -->  

Photo 1 (Harry Potter): <!-- m --><a class= ... hotostream Photo 2 (V For Vendetta): ... hotostream Envelope: ... hotostream Thank you so much Mr. Hurt and!
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John Hurt - ALIEN success - 03 mai 2012
- Got this one back on 04/18, after nearly a year. Mr Hurt kindly signed and inscribed my Alien lobby card, as requested. Well worth the wait! Many thanks, Mr Hurt and <img src= <img src= <img src= Address used: John Hurt Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK
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John Hurt - Harry Potter success - 14 avril 2012
Today I received my 15th Harry Potter autograph. John Hurt plays Mr. Ollivander in the movies. sent: March 2012 received: April 14, 2012 took: one month. address used John Hurt Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK -
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John Hurt ttm success - FINALLY!! - 10 avril 2012
send: 24th apr 2011 received: 10th apr 2012 via: c/o Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK - - - and he signed my "Hellboy"-Poster. Im so glad to get it back - didnt expect it anymore sorry no envelope
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